
Friday, November 9, 2018

Abraham Lincoln

After so much time devoted to the research regarding direct ancestors only, it's time to come back to Mrs. Mary (Gant) Boone, and the indirect family connections. Just to remind you - Mary was the wife of our first cousin six times removed, Mr. Absalom Bobo Gant. Another famous person she links us to is Mr. Abraham Lincoln*.

Lincolns' House

 Here is how the family tree branch goes

Abraham Lincoln
his father Thomas H. Lincoln (6 Jan. 1778, Linville Creek, Augusta County, Virginia - 17 Jan. 1851, Lincoln Homestead, Charleston, Coles County, Illinois)

his father Abraham Lincoln (13 May 1744, Berks County, Province of Pennsylvania - 4 May 1786, Jefferson County, Virginia)

his father John Lincoln (3 May 1716, Freehold Township, Monmouth County, Province of New Jersey - Nov. 1788, Linville Creek, Rockingham County, Virginia)

Rockingham County, Virginia

his sister Sarah (Lincoln) Boone (10 April 1727, Coventry, Berks County, Province of Pennsylvania - 21 April  1810, Oley, Exeter Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania)

Mordecai Lincoln's House - Exeter Township, Berks County, PA

her husband William Bennett Boone Sr. (18 Nov. 1724, Exeter Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania - Aug 1770, Frederick, Frederick County, Maryland)

Frederick, Maryland

his brother Hezekiah Boone (22 May 1735, Exeter, Berks, Pennsylvania - 20 Dec. 1823, Woodford, Kentucky)

his son Hiram Boon Boone (1765, Culpepper Co., Virginia - 13 March 1826, Savannah, Hardin, TN)

his daughter Mary Gant nee Boone (26 May 1803, Columbia, Adair, Kentucky - 8 August 1896, Martin's Mills, Wayne, Tennessee)

Courthouse - Adair Co., Kentucky

her husband Absalom Bobo Gant (25 Feb. 1800, Abbeville, Abbeville, SC - 26 May 1876, Clifton, Wayne, Tennessee)

* Based on my own research 

  • Lincolns' House: By Meagan Davsi - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, 
  • Rockingham County, VA: By P199 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
  • Mordecai Lincoln's House: By Smallbones - Own work, CC0,
  • Fountain: By Billy Hathorn [CC BY-SA 3.0  ( or GFDL (], from Wikimedia Commons

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