
Thursday, November 8, 2018

Our Direct Ancestors Pioneers

Finally, I closed the list of our Direct Ancestors who moved from Europe to the faraway land. The list is not closed for good as there are still branches which I need to investigate and would be happy to find out more. So many direct lines in our family tree do not make it that easy to track them. However, making that list, I tried to be very careful not to overlook anybody.

I would want to find out more about them - who and what they were when they arrived, what their fate was. It would be great if I could write a post dedicated to each one of them or at least about every family/ family name of our progenitors. The work is very time-consuming and challenging, though, as I enjoy learning and writing about all our relatives. Including the distant ones. Therefore, I am not sure whether I will manage to describe them all. Anyway, I am going to keep trying and do my best.

Here is the list of our Pioneers.

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