
Monday, November 23, 2015

My Texas Alphabet: R for Rangers

The idea for this alphabet post series comes from ' The Alphabet of My Emigration' by Dee Dorota L., member of The Polish Ladies Abroad Club, who has relocated to England. I have also decided to join the project and write about My Texas Alphabet twice a week.

The Texas Rangers are the oldest law enforcement body in North America. It was created by Stephen F. Austin in 1823. At the very beginning, there were only ten Rangers who protected the Texas border. In 1835, Texas Rangers were organized formally and the first Texas Rangers Major was designated. His name was Robert McAlpin Williamson. Within the years Texas Rangers protected the ranchers, chased outlaws, fought in battles and worked as detectives and investigators.

The Texas Rangers Division is based in Austin, TX. The Texas Rangers officers have served Texas and Texans for over two hundred years. If you ever happen to be in Waco, TX, visit the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum (first opened in 1968) created to honor and commemorate the past and present Rangers - a symbol of Texas

More about the history of Texas Rangers here.

The Texas Rangers Hall of Fame and Museum website.

In Texas, there is also quite a different group called Texas Rangers. It is a professional baseball team  (based in Arlington) who borrowed the name from the legendary Texas law enforcement. That is why when you hear 'Rangers', make sure what the talk is about. Very likely, the topic of the discussion may be sport not law officers.

Read about my first Texas Rangers baseball experience here.

Texas Rangers baseball team website.

Texas Ranger monument photo: By Pi3.124 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

'R' entries by Polish ladies Abroad

 Karolina / R jak Retrouvailles

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