
Monday, October 5, 2015

My Texas Alphabet: G for Guacamole

The idea for this alphabet post series comes from ' The Alphabet of My Emigration' by Dee Dorota L., member of The Polish Ladies Abroad Club, who has relocated to England.
I have also decided to join the project and write about My Texas Alphabet twice a week.

Guacamole is a very popular side dish, made of mashed avocados, served in many Tex-Mex food restaurants.
I first tasted guacamole when I came to Texas. I tried it  -  and found it tasteless. Many people love it but, somehow, I do not fancy it at all. Since it is flavorless, according to myself, of course, there is no reason for me to have it again. Which is quite a good coincidence, considering that avocados (and guacamole) are high in calories.

Some time later, after my first guacamole experience, I also learned that most members of my Texan family are not fans of the side dish either. That is why when in a restaurant, we always skip guacamole. Most often, it is possible to order something else instead. Actually, it is quite convenient, as the price of the side is usually included in the price of a meal. So even if we do not eat guacamole, we would pay for it anyway.

'G' entries by other bloggers, memebrs of the Polish ladies Abroad Club:

Anna: G jak Góry
Jagoda: Gabinet luster
Gabi: G for Guests / G jak Goscie 
Dee: G jak Gorzki smak pracy z rodakami
Karolina: G... Gironde
Justyna: G jak Gustaw 
Kropka: G jak Great Fire 
Anna Maria: G jak gazety
Viola: G jak gotowanie 



  1. I like advocado a lot...So maybe this is something I would fancy...Got to try this one day.

  2. Never can get enough of this stuff!!!

  3. I LOVE guacamole! One tip in Tex-Mex restaurants - add some of the salsa they give you for your chips to the guacamole - gives it more flavor.
