
Thursday, October 1, 2015

My Texas Alphabet: F for Family

The idea for this alphabet post series comes from ' The Alphabet of My Emigration' by Dee Dorota L., member of The Polish Ladies Abroad Club, who has relocated to England.
I have also decided to join the project and write about My Texas Alphabet twice a week.

My Texas family are really nice and friendly guys. They have never made me feel bad in any way. Quite contrary. From the very beginning, even before I moved to Texas, I felt welcome and accepted. We meet fairly frequently and always have a good time together. I like the things we do and I am very pleased they seem to enjoy my company too. It all makes me feel part of the family, not an outsider. Yes, it is important to me indeed. It also makes me happy too. Especially that my Polish family, my mum, and my sister are so far away.


'F' alphabet entries by other bloggers, members of the Polish Ladies Abroad Club:

 Gabi: F jak Formalnosci (in Polish & English)
 Jagoda: Funkcje społeczne w szanującym się włoskim domu
Anna: F jak Frank
Karolina: F jak Français
Dee: F jak Falafel 
Anna Maria: F jak Fazy
Justyna: F jak Firth of Forth 
Viola: F jak Fikcja
Anna Maria: F jak Flamandzki
Joanna: F jak Femme de chambre i Fleuriste
Viola: F jak fikcja



  1. This is great, I like to say my family is very welcoming to all and we are Austin, Texans. You are welcome anytime to one of our BBQ gatherings. Love, Lisa #LLBlog
