
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

How Old Are You?

The message found in a fortune cookie:

"No one grows old by living, only in losing interest in living."

has made me think of a friend of mine. She often tends to say that she and her husband should not do this or that, "because we are not the youngest, you know." The lady is only a few months older than I am.

In my opinion, finding life as an extreme sport and giving up doing things means being old in spirit. Obviously, during all those years when we get more mature, our interests change and, even at a younger age, we also adjust things we do to our possibilities. However, one's attitude makes them actually older than their body/calendar age is. There are always things we can do, new things we can learn. Regardless the numbers (our age).

And how old are you (in spirit)? 

Photo: My latest creation - I got that shirt as a gift. Its dark color did not suit me so I made it a bit more colorful.

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