
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Anton Hajek

This post is inspired by one shadowbox which we saw at the Texas Czech Heritage and Cultural Center in La Grange, TX.

 Anton Hajek was the son of Henry Hajek and Mary Kotrulik. He was born on 17 January 1896 (1).

🏠 18 June 1900 - little Anton lived with his parents (both age 28) and siblings in Justice Precinct #5, Victoria, TX. The siblings were Mary (age 7), Annie (age 6), and Charlie (age 2). Henry, the father (born in Bohemia), was a farmer (2).

During WW1, on 19 September 1917, Anton was enlisted in the Army. He served in Company M, 360th Infantry, and then, the MG Company 325th Infantry. The man was deployed overseas on 25 April 1918 and was wounded on 26th April of the same year. About a year later, on 14 May 1919, Anton came back with his unit to America. Private Hajek was honorably discharged on 28 May 1919 (3, 4, 5).

A few months later, on 20 October 1919, 24-year-old Anton married Jane Migl in Lavaca, TX (6). 

The bride was three years younger (b. 31 July 1899) than Anton, she was the daughter of Frank Migl and Terezie Barta.

Soon, children were born to Anton and Johanne.

🔸 Irena Theresa was born 8 miles south of Yoakum, Lavaca, TX on 13 October 1920. The girl was taken by croup on 4 February 1923 (7, eight).

🔸 Eugene Valentine, born on 14 February 1923,Jerry Anton, was born on 27 January 1929 (9).
Census 1930 - the family lived in Precinct #3, Lavaca, Texas. 

🔸Anton and Johanna raised an adopted son, Johnnie Edward, born on 24 July 1915. Anton Hajek was a farmer (10).

Another son was born on 17 September 1931. The baby was named 🔸 Benjamin Frank (11).

In 1949, Anton (age 54), his wife, and their youngest son moved to Jackson County, TX, where Anton farmed as well (12).

Mr. Anton Hajek lived for 79 years. He passed on ♦ 16 September 1975, in Shiner, Lavaca, TX (13).

Clipping Source: Janacek, John E. Yoakum Herald-Times (Yoakum, Tex.), Vol. 74, No. 74, Ed. 1 Thursday, September 18, 1975, newspaper, September 18, 1975; Yoakum, Texas. ( accessed March 3, 2023), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Carl and Mary Welhausen Library.

Johanna Migl died at the age of 98, on ♦ 3 September 1997 (14).

1. "Texas Deaths, 1890-1976," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 20 February 2021), Anton J Hajek, 16 Sep 1975; citing certificate number 69142, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2,243,830.
2. "United States Census, 1900", database with images, FamilySearch ( 30 November 2021), Anton Hajek in entry for Henry Hajek, 1900.
3. "United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 23 December 2021), Anton Hajek, 1917-1918.
4. "Texas, World War I Records, 1917-1920," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 9 March 2021), Anton Hajek, 19 Sep 1917; citing Military Service, Hallettsville, Lavaca, Texas, United States, Texas Military Forces Museum, Austin.
5. "United States, Veterans Administration Master Index, 1917-1940," database, FamilySearch ( : 3 September 2021), Anton Hajek, 28 May 1919; citing Military Service, NARA microfilm publication 76193916 (St. Louis: National Archives and Records Administration, 1985), various roll numbers.
6. "Texas, County Marriage Records, 1837-1965," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 22 July 2021), Anton Hajek and Johanna Migl, 20 Oct 1919; citing Marriage, citing Lavaca, Texas, United States, Texas State Library, Archives Division, and various Texas county clerks; FHL microfilm 5,853,987.
7. "Texas Birth Certificates, 1903-1935," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 1 March 2021), Anton Hajek in entry for Baby Hajek, 13 Oct 1920; citing 8 Miles S Of Yoakum, Lavaca, Texas, United States, certificate 56104, Texas Department of Health, Austin; FHL microfilm 4,517,971.
8. "Texas Deaths, 1890-1976," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 20 February 2021), Irena Therasa Hajek, 04 Feb 1923; citing certificate number 5811, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2,074,699.
9. "Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : 1 January 2015), Anton J Hajek in entry for Jerry Anton Hajek, 27 Jan 1929; from "Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997," database and images, Ancestry ( : 2005); citing Texas Department of State Health Services.
and Benjamin Frank, born 17 September 1931.
10. "United States Census, 1930," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 1 March 2023), Anton Hajek, Precinct 3, Lavaca, Texas, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 11, sheet 3A, line 48, family 57, NARA microfilm publication T626 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2002), roll 2369; FHL microfilm 2,342,103.
11. "Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : 1 January 2015), Anton Hajek in entry for Benjamin Frank Hajek, 17 Sep 1931; from "Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997," database and images, Ancestry ( : 2005); citing Texas Department of State Health Services.
12. "United States 1950 Census", database, FamilySearch (ark:/61903/1:1:6XGY-PFBY : Sun Jan 29 14:27:08 UTC 2023), Entry for Doyel Calvin Parker and Vernon Chappell, 3 April 1950.
13. "Texas Deaths, 1890-1976," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 20 February 2021), Anton J Hajek, 16 Sep 1975; citing certificate number 69142, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2,243,830.
14. "United States Social Security Death Index," database, FamilySearch ( : 10 January 2021), Johanna Hajek, 23 Sep 1997; citing U.S. Social Security Administration, Death Master File, database (Alexandria, Virginia: National Technical Information Service, ongoing).


  1. Interesting. So, after you saw this shadow box, you researched as much as you could about him? Did you post it somewhere so others, that may be descended from him, can find it? :)

    1. Yes, Diane, this is exactly what I usually do. I posted it also in the Czech heritage group on FB, some relatives of the man commented there. Thanks for stopping by and reading the post/commenting here.
