On 28 December 1896, in La Grange, TX, 25 local inhabitants of Czech and Slovak descent held a meeting. They were members of the Česko Slovensko Podporujici Spolek (CSPS - Czech Slavonic Benevolent Society) a fraternal insurance organization that operated in all the American states including Texas. The men selected a committee that was to start working on creating the Slovanska Podporujici Jednota Stanu Texas (SPJST/Slavonic Benevolent Association of the State of Texas). The committee members were J R Kubena, judge Augustin Haidusek, and F. Čistina. Later, Mr. Haidušek was replaced by CV Vanek.
On 29 June 1897, a convention of 22 SPJST lodges members took place. The organization started its proper work on 1 July 1897 - that was the day on which SPJST officers were elected: president I J Gallia, Mr. Fred Breska vice-president, secretary, and treasurer - J R Kubena.
SPJST was a fraternal insurance organization of non-sectary character. It offered the members death and sick benefits. The organization was also into promoting mutual acquaintance of people of Czechoslovakian descent and supporting cultural, benevolent, and national projects.
Birthplace of SPJST - Fayette County Courthouse, La Grange
Early presidents of SPJST were: I J Gallia, J J Holik, Joseph Dušek, judge C H Chernosky. The initial 22 lodges/496 members grew by the end of 1993 to 152 lodges/11,141 members.
Another insurance-type organization came into being on 1 July 1926. It was the Slavonic Mutual Fire Insurance Association. Its first convention took place in June 1927 in Houston, and the first officers were Frank Ančinec, Anton Bily, judge C H Chernosky, Stephen Valik, M Bubac, Frank Bečan, John Kelarek, and Tom Hošek.
Source: "The Czech Pioneers of the Southwest. The History of a People in the Development of a Nation", Henry R Maresh and Estelle Hudson, 1934, 1962, 1996.
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