The idea for this alphabet post series comes from ' The Alphabet of
My Emigration' by Dee Dorota L., member of The Polish Ladies Abroad
Club, who has relocated to England.
I have also decided to join the project and write about My Texas Alphabet twice a week.
WRR101.1 is one of our most favorite local radio stations. It is owned by the city of Dallas and it is all about classical music and arts. The station came into being in 1921 and, currently, it is situated at the grounds of the State Fair of Texas. They play wonderful music pieces (24 hours a day) which make a great music background to any home and work activities (if you are allowed to listen to the radio at work). What is more, while driving, WRR's calming tunes also help survive bumper to bumper traffic.
Another reason why we like listening to WRR101.1 is the kind of the advertising they present - the commercials are toned and they are not so insistent and annoying, comparing to what other radio stations have.
Moreover, WRR often offers free tickets to various arts and music events. To get the tickets, you only need to call the station. If you happen to be lucky and manage to get through all the calls, you can be a winner and enjoy some great free entertainment. What is rather important, to collect the tickets, you do not have to go to the station during office hours (which is not possible for many people). Very conveniently, tickets are always collectible at a will call.
You can check out what I am talking about and, possibly, join the WRR fans - simply listen to the radio station online here.
To learn more about WRR , visit their website.
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