
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Catherine - Punk Rock Cat

Here is Catherine. She lives with Janet and Richard in Illinois.
Look at her. Isn't she lovely?

Catherine ' is “resting” from all her hard work. Yes, that’s her toy: Rowdy Rat, which she is using as a pillow.'

She has already visited our blog and check it out here). We are glad she is back again as the cat is known for her special taste:

'Catherine did it again, as she just can’t resist pretending to be a bee where Oriental lilies are concerned.  No harm at all to the plant, but what a chore for her to have to clean herself up.  She WILL, eventually, but in the meantime…. Here is her punk look!

Is that shame I see in those downcast eyes?'
Credits: Citations and pictures by Janet Barnstable

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely white cat! No, I don't think it's shame :) I think it's rather a sense of fulfillment....
